Fatigue Testing

Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied. Hence fatigue behavior is a long-established part of qualification for automotive steels, and remains essential for newer designs with aluminum and composites.

Car breakdown

In today's automotive industry, cyclic loading represents a diverse range of evaluation needs, including low cycle fatigue of metals, high cycle fatigue of composites and joints, damping behavior of mountings and interior panels – all of which affect the NVH (noise vibration and harshness) and hence, passenger comfort.

Our Solution

Dynamic Systems Family

For a multipurpose laboratory handling large specimens, Instron® servo-hydraulic systems provide excellent capabilities for medium to high-capacity dynamic testing. The load frames can be configured to meet a wide range of materials, component testing, and requirements; and can be fitted with interchangeable fixtures to perform specific tests.

The Instron 8800MT controller with WaveMatrix™ dynamic test software provides high fidelity of control, and synchronous data acquisition, with easily configured test sequences and live calculations to facilitate everything from “simple” fatigue, to vibration analysis, to multi-step conditional test sequences.

Additionally, application-specific software packages can be used seamlessly on the same system to provide more streamlined workflows for LCF, fracture toughness, or quasi-static testing.

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Dynamische und Ermüdungsprüfsysteme

Dynamische und Ermüdungsprüfsysteme

Instron bietet ein umfangreiches Sortiment an voll integrierten dynamischen und Ermüdungsprüfsystemen von 1000 N bis 5000 kN. Mit servohydraulischen, servoelektrischen und linearen Motortechnologien decken diese Testgeräte eine breite Palette von Ermüdungs-, dynamischen und statischen Testanwendungen ab.

Broschüre zu WaveMatrix™2

WaveMatrix2 ist eine intelligente Software für Ermüdung und dynamische Tests von Materialien und Komponenten. Sie bietet Flexibilität – alles von einem einfachen statischen Anstieg über zyklische Wellenformen bis hin zu komplexen mehrstufigen, multiaxialen Tests. Die hochvisuelle Umgebung mit integrierten tabellarischen Bildschirmen, klaren Menüstrukturen, zeitbasierter Matrix-Testvorschau und konfigurierbarem Live-Test-Workspace ist so konzipiert, dass sie intuitiv ist und Vertrauen vermittelt. Vollgepackt mit intelligenten Funktionen, wie Datenreduktion und integrierter Projektorganisation, ist sie so entwickelt, dass Ihre Tests vereinfacht werden.


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Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied. Hence fatigue behavior is a long-established part of qualification for automotive steels, and remains essential for newer designs with aluminum and composites.

Car breakdown

In today's automotive industry, cyclic loading represents a diverse range of evaluation needs, including low cycle fatigue of metals, high cycle fatigue of composites and joints, damping behavior of mountings and interior panels – all of which affect the NVH (noise vibration and harshness) and hence, passenger comfort.

Our Solution

Dynamic Systems Family

For a multipurpose laboratory handling large specimens, Instron® servo-hydraulic systems provide excellent capabilities for medium to high-capacity dynamic testing. The load frames can be configured to meet a wide range of materials, component testing, and requirements; and can be fitted with interchangeable fixtures to perform specific tests.

The Instron 8800MT controller with WaveMatrix™ dynamic test software provides high fidelity of control, and synchronous data acquisition, with easily configured test sequences and live calculations to facilitate everything from “simple” fatigue, to vibration analysis, to multi-step conditional test sequences.

Additionally, application-specific software packages can be used seamlessly on the same system to provide more streamlined workflows for LCF, fracture toughness, or quasi-static testing.