Servohydraulic systems are the workhorse of any laboratory.  They can perform a wide variety of low and high cycle fatigue, crack propagation, fracture toughness and other dynamic tests. Each system can be readily configured with appropriate sized servo valve, manifold and hydraulic power unit to suit the particular application.

All systems are equipped with the advanced features of the 8800 digital controller, Console Software and Instron®'s unique fatigue-rated Dynacell load cells. WaveMatrix3 Dynamic Testing Software provides the backbone for running many dynamic tests. Other application specific software modules, such as LCF3 or any of Instron’s Fracture Mechanics Suite, allows other standardized tests to be run.

These dynamic systems, when combined with Bluehill® Universal and appropriate accessories, are ideal for running a variety of static tensile, compression, flexure, peel, tear and friction tests.

8801 Floor Model Fatigue System up to 100kN Capacity

Floor standing Fatigue Testing Systems

These 100kN to 250kN servohydraulic testing systems meet the challenging demands of both static and dynamic testing of advanced materials and components.

8803 (500 kN) Servohydraulic Fatigue Testing System

High Capacity Fatigue Testing Systems

Instron high capacity systems are servohydraulic fatigue testing systems that perform high force static and dynamic tests on specimens up to 5000 kN.

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Table Top Fatigue Testing Systems

Ideal for dynamic and static testing of biomedical, advanced materials, and manufactured components these 25kN servohydraulic models offer both linear and torsion actuators.

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3621 Series

Hydraulic Power Units

At last you have the ability to configure a Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) to meet all your testing requirements and site conditions with unsurpassed efficiency and low environmental impact.

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8800 Controllers

8800MT Controller / Controller Upgrades

Controller upgrades are a great way to give existing hydraulic equipment a new lease of life and bring the benefits of modern electronics and software to your laboratory.

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