This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. "Rate of Load" End Test Criterion no longer misses break events. Merlin now sets up the event properly using a 100ms time window for the load drop.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. During Test detection of the Upper Yield point Merlin has been modified to detect previously ignored phenomena of upper yield and to force a ramp transition as expected. Merlin now looks for a positive to negative slope transition of the stress/strain curve OR a stress drop of 1.0 MPa as a during test indicator of a possible Upper Yield. Also, if the delay value is 0.0000% strain, an upper yield detection will force an IMMEDIATE transition to Ramp 2. The resolution of the Delay By box has been changed to four decimals for Upper Yield to prevent the user from assuming there is no delay when the units selected are mm/mm or in/in.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. One way to avoid this behavior would be to set Strain1 as the Axial Strain source and use Tensile Strain as the control mode. In addition to this Merlin will now issue a warning {Message -2962}, cautioning the user to verify the method parameters or to re-open the method.
No, the compliance correction only needs to be done for a specific load string set up.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Test director will recover from the lost focus as described above. Please note that these changes do not necessarily cover all potential sources of this problem. If the user observes this problem, clicking -W will force Test Director into the Workspace mode, then clicking on the Continue button will properly show the Test Director screen.
You can determine the version by looking at the CD or the Installation Disks. The version can also be determined by clicking on the Help menu item, then clicking About.
Perform the following steps:
  1. Backup any data/methods you have.
  2. Rename the Instron directory.
  3. Delete/Rename the Instron.ini file in the Windows directory. 
  4. Insert the CD or the installation disks. Run setup.exe from Disk 1. Choose "Complete Installation." Follow the prompts. When in doubt accept the defaults. 
  5. When the installation is complete, copy your data/methods to the new installation.
Only Merlin version 3.0 and above have serial numbers. The serial number is a 6 digit number followed by a letter, (i.e. 123456A). It can be found on the CD or Disk 1 of the Installation Disks or by clicking the Help menu item, then clicking About.
Perform the following steps:
  1. Backup any data/methods you have. 
  2. Rename the Instron directory. 
  3. Delete/Rename the Instron.ini file in the Windows directory. 
  4. Insert the CD or the installation disks. Run setup.exe from Disk 1. Choose "Complete Installation." Follow the prompts. When in doubt accept the defaults. 
  5. When the installation is complete, copy your data/methods to the new installation.

In the Merlin main screen, click on File -> Print Method

The last 6 test methods are made available for you on the quick open screen for your convenience and cannot be removed. Every time you open a method it will add the last method opened to the top of the list. If you would like to modify the way Merlin opens you can change the settings to open the application directly to a particular test method or Series IX. To modify the default open screen go into Merlin, select File on the top menu then Setup and select the desire settings.
This can be accomplished in the following manner: You will require the following hardware: 
  1. Cable (AR9271-5) BNC to 25 pin with Code 1818. 
  2. One Strain Conditioner. 
  3. Merlin Version 4.42.08 or higher [Note: A patch is available to upgrade Version 4.42 to Version 4.42.08. Contact Instron Service Support for the patch.] 
To install, implement the following: 
  1. Connect AR9271-5 between Strain 1 (Strain 2) and Video Extensometer Analog output. (BNC Connector on video interface board with green light). 
  2. Install patch for Version 4.42 only. 
  3. Add to Instron.ini in [System type] the following line: VExmtr=1. 
  4. Set Strain 1 (Strain 2) as Tensile Strain source. 
  5. Enable Video in Video Set-up. 
  6. Disable Video dual range in Video Set-up (click on chart recorder icon). 
  7. Set analog full-scale range in Video set-up to highest strain expected. 
  8. Perform automatic calibration of Strain 1 (Strain 2). No operator intervention will be required after clicking on "Calibrate". 
  9. Set up Profiler for required test. Do not use strain as the control mode. Extension is typically selected to avoid control from the Video.
You first need to enable Security in Merlin Setup. At the Windows Desktop, click the Start button, Programs, Instron, Merlin Setup. Click Configuration and Information, then Enable/Disable Options. Click on the Security check box. Back out of the Merlin Setup screens. The next time you go into Merlin you will see Security on the Menu.
Click on the graph window to make it the active window, then press and release the 1 key on the top left of your keyboard, then move the mouse pointer to the graph where you want to start the zoom, then hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to the end of the zoom area and then release the left mouse button.
We check the results calculated by Merlin algorithms with algorithms independently developed in another data evaluation software like Excel.
There are 3 possible causes for this error. 
  1. The file is missing. It should be located in the C:\Instron\Orig directory. If it is not there, re-install the software. 
  2. The PATH is wrong. Open a DOS window and type PATH. The returned statement should include "C:\Instron\Com;C:\Instron\Orig;C:\Windows; C:\Windows\Command". If it does not, edit the autoexec.bat file and ensure there is a PATH= or SET PATH= line including the same elements. If it is there, check for another PATH statement below that one, or check with your Network Administrator. 
  3. The login script could be overwriting the path. Search for files names starting with "o16". They should only appear in the C:\Instron\Orig directory. If it does appear in another directory then make a backup of this on a floppy disk before removing the file from the hard disk.

Instron software verification documentation, accreditations and certificates can be viewed and downloaded here

Click on File. . .Setup. There are 3 choices: 
  1. Save Raw Data - must be selected if you wish to resume/replay sample. 
  2. Save ASCII Raw Data - creates ASCII text file with all data points in file with .RAW extension. 
  3. Save ASCII Results - creates ASCII text file containing results with an .RLT extension. Save the test method for these changes to take effect. The ASCII files are created when data is saved.
To create ASCII files from previously created Merlin data files you should: 
  1. replay the existing Merlin data file using File/Data/Replay menu 
  2. Enable the ASCII file types under File/Setup menu 
  3. Save the data file under File/Data/EndSave menu
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Merlin will now allow up to three successive tries at determining if the balance has started before raising this error.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Merlin now updates the test direction when the tower comes online or when the settings are changed.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The following calculations are affected by this situation: Poisson’s Ratio, Modulus, Slack Correction, N-Value, YPE, and Average Value. Please note that this issue does not affect Preset Cursor Point calculations. Merlin now properly updates the results in the situation mentioned above.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Code has been changed to correct this problem. However, Average Value, and Yield Point Elongation calculations which were set to use Cursor Point inputs for the calculation will show as invalid. Performing a Results Update and re-selecting the cursor points will correct the problem.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. A new calculation called % of Break has been added that will allow the user to set a point as a percentage of the channel's value at break. All available channels can then have their values at this point reported.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. After the screen shifts Merlin should autorecover itself & shifts the screens back to original positions.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Merlin has been fixed so that the "Null window handle" message will not occur.
This problem has been fixed in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this. A workaround is shown below: If you have any spaces in the name of a method and try to open it htrough the OLE interface you get an error "Error 15103: Method file does not exist On WinNT and Win2000, Method Filenames MUST conform to the "8.3" naming convension {neglecting the restriction of spaces, i.e. spaces are allowed}, i.e. the name must be >=1 and <= 8 chatacters and the Extension must be >= 1 and <= 3 characters.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Merlin now allows these operations following an aborted test.
It is the customer's responsibility to arrange for the off-loading, unpacking and transportation of the equipment to the test site. This includes all insurance and safety responsibilities. If installation is included with your system, please allow the Service Engineer to open boxes and verify all parts and contents. This helps to avoid the possibility of losing small pieces or parts.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The Equivalent Position Rate option has been added to Tensile Stress control for Ramp 1 in Metals. This new option addresses specific issues when testing to EN10002. A new option has been added when the control mode for Ramp 1 is Tensile Stress called Equivalent Position Rate. When this option is selected, Ramp1 will start in Tensile Stress control and run in this mode until the stress rate has stabilized. At this point, the corresponding position rate will be calculated and the test will switch to position control at this equivalent rate. The ramp will then run to the changeover point to Ramp2.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Parameters for the 3345 and 3345 Extra Height frames have been updated.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Merlin no longer crashes when attempting to calculate an Average Value calculation which is dependent on a First Peak calculation which failed.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. Ensure that the stress is at a minimum threshold {5MPa default} prior to evaluating the data.The following Metals calculations are affected by this change: n-Value r-Value Tensile Strength Break Location EN/ISO Lower Yield Non-Proportional Elongation
You have four options: 
  1. Purchase a System Support Agreement. This provides you with priority in the call queue, remote access to our engineering staff, discounts and additional services for one full year. 
  2. Sign-on to our Consultation Service line. This Fee based support provides you with priority in the call queue for those times that you just specific help. 
  3. Limited Free Technical Support on a call back basis. 
  4. Schedule a Field Service Engineer to visit your site.
The information below only applies to Merlin, SeriesIX, and SeriesIX/s installed on WinNT, Win2000, or WinXP when the operating system is on a NTFS partition. If the OS is on a FAT32 partition, then there should be no problems with Merlin, SeriesIX, SeriesIX/s functionality when being used by a "restricted user". The information below also assumes that the reader is capable of assigning permissions of individual files and directories to specific users or groups. Merlin and SeriesIX were never designed to be compatible with a "Locked Down" NT4 based operating system. 

In order to get Merlin and SeriesIX to function properly when being used by a "restricted windows user", the following minimum file/directory rights must be met for the user(s) in question. These permissions may be assigned either directly to the individual users or to users via a group assignment. 

Required Permissions for General Use: > The following directories should be set to "Modify" permissions. >> c:\Instron\Com >> c:\Instron\Orig {Inherit these permissions to all sub-directories} >> c:\Instron\S9\Data >> c:\Instron\S9\Meth >> c:\Instron\S9\Output >> c:\User {Inherit these permissions to all sub-directories} > The "Instron.ini" file in the Windows directory should have the following additional permissions: >> Create Files \ Write Data >> Create Folders \ Append Data >> Write Attributes >> Write Extended Attributes >> Change Permissions Required Permissions to Communicate with the 5500/3300/2300 controller: > c:\Windows\System32 should have the following additional permissions assigned: >> Create Files \ Write Data >> Create Folders \ Append Data >> Write Attributes >> Change Permissions ** These permissions need only be assigned to the windows directory and its contents. These permissions do not need to be inherited to all child objects. Required Permissions to use the HRDE or 5800/FT Console > c:\Windows or c:\WinNT should have the following permissions: >> Create Files \ Write Data >> Create Folders \ Append Data >> Write Attributes >> Write Extended Attributes >> Change Permissions ** These permissions need only be assigned to the windows directory and its contents. These permissions do not need to be inherited to all child objects. Also, these permissions supercede the permissions noted above for the Instron.ini file. Additional Required Permissions to use 5800/FT Console > c:\Windows\8800 should have the following permissions: >> Create Files \ Write Data >> Create Folders \ Append Data >> Write Attributes >> Write Extended Attributes >> Change Permissions ** These permissions need only be assigned to the windows directory and its contents inherited to all child objects. Required Registry Permissions for 5800/FT Console: > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Instron should grant the following additional permissionsto the restricted users. These settings needs to be inherited by all subkeys. >> Set Value >> Create Subkey >> Delete >> Write DAC >> Write Owner

Merlin adds contents of Instron directory, Instron.ini (Windows), vdgl2d.386, vvidd.386, vqueued.386 (Windows\system). Modifications are also made to the Autoexec.bat, Config.sys, and System.ini.
Subtracts the displacement in the load curve that results from deformation and action of the load string linkages of the frame.
Merlin is a materials testing software package designed to operate in the Microsoft Windows environment. Merlin acts as the base for a series of applications that help you to test materials and components and to capture and analyze data from those tests. For electromechanical load frames, Merlin runs on a computer that is connected via a digital interface card, and for the servohydraulic load frames, Merlin runs via a high speed GPIB (HS488). The load frame is a high stiffness structure that applies the testing loads to the material specimen. The testing software provides all the test setup, control and analysis functions.
Merlin version 5.04
The legend on the graph can come from 3 different sources. Which source is used is described below. If no sample name and no specimen name has been specified then the legend on the graph will be; Specimen 1, Specimen 2, Specimen 3 etc.. If a sample name has been specified but no specimen name specified then the legend on the graph will be; Sample name 1, Sample name 2, Sample name 3 etc.. If a specimen name has been specified then the legend on the graph will be; First Specimen name, Second Specimen name, Third Specimen name etc..

Most communication errors can be solved by powering down all equipment, including machine frame, control tower and computer. They should then be powered back on in the following sequence: machine frame, control tower and computer. This should result in communication being re-established. If not, check all cables and connections and perform the restart that was described above. If this does not fix your problem, then please call Instron Tech Support at 1-800-473-7838. Please make sure that you have all relevant serial and model numbers at hand when calling.

Merlin software comprises a series of basic and application modules that work together to provide a materials testing environment that you can customize to your particular type and style of testing. The system is capable of performing a wide range of testing, yet it is focused and easy to use. Test types enable you to focus on the specific requirements of your testing. The following list details the available test types: Manual Tension Tension relaxation/creep Tension profiler Compression Compression relaxation/creep Compression profiler Flexure Flexure relaxation/creep Peel, Tear and Friction Metals
Dell or Gateway (Full Size Tower) is the Instron approved PC. Full size slots are required, half size slots will not accommodate the requirements for the interface board.
Windows 3.11. Windows 95 and Windows 98. To work with Windows 2000 or XP then the PCI digilink computer interface is required.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The console window is disabled while the system is attempting to re-enable the frame.
The Merlin package is shipped as a Software Suite. This Suite contains every option available at that time. A unique KeyCode number provides access to the options you purchased. It is entirely possible that some disks would be skipped if the options on these disks were not enabled.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The Quick Open screen buttons will be disabled when this possibility exists.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The firmware has been updated so that this problem no longer occurs.
To resolve this do step 1 or 2 below: 
  1. This problem has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this version or any later version to resolve this problem. 
  2. Use the attached utility DirTest.EXE to determine if any flags are set on the folder you are attempting to save to. If the utility returns any flag other than "Directory" you will need to disable this flag before Merlin will save to this folder. 
To use this program: 
  1. Launch DirTest.exe 
  2. Click on the "Test Directory" button 
  3. Use the File Open dialog to browse to the desired directory which is causing the problem. 
  4. Select the Open button {just like you were opening a file in that dorectory}. There is no need to select an actual file. The dialog will default to attempting to open a file "zzzz". If the user does select an actual file - it will not be altered in any way nor will it affect the outcome of the test. 
  5. Have the user report the results. Merlin will only work properly for the ASCII files if "Directory" is the ONLY result. If other flags are set - the only workaround would be to disable these flags - for example not make the directory Hidden.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. The submenus for Graph, Results, and Report no longer disappear in the main menu bar.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. When running Directed Methods, calculations are held off until after the Calculation Input screen.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue.
Browse the Merlin or Series IX CDROM and look for a folder called "Release Notes". If you have an older version you may not have this folder on your CDROM. You can download release notes between V4.11 - V5.31 for Merlin and V8.07 - V8.25 for Series IX by clicking the link below: Download
Because load curves come in many different shapes it is necessary to offer different ways to calculate the modulus of a material. The one you should use depends upon the shape of the curve and the manner in which you want to report the data. Depending upon the shape of the curve, different modulus calculations will report more consistent values than other modulus calculations.
Select Graph on the menu, then Graph Setup, Increase the number of curves. Tip: you can access that same screen by selecting the middle button under the menu in the Graph window.
This issue has been resolved in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this issue. This problem only occurs with 5500/3300 systems on WinNT/Win2000/WinXP. The digilink watchdog is disabled when the file dialog is active.
This problem has been fixed in Merlin V5.41 (Suite 22095). Install this or a later version to resolve this. A workaround is shown below: When using Merlin for 8800 with a video extensometer, the gpib command c66,4,2 is not sent to the 8800 to enable the digital output special switch status. This turns on digital output 4 to clock at the data logging rate as selected in Merlin. Without this synch clock, Merlin does not store any data from any channel. Add the following entry to the Instron.ini file in the 8x00Controller section: [8x00Controller] Disable Dirty=1
Yes, as long as the version of Merlin is at least v5.31 (CD Suite 22078), it will run in Windows XP.