Bumper Impact Testing

To understand the impact resistance properties of bumper materials, a series of tests on specimens should be conducted, in plaque form, at varying impact energies, velocities, and temperatures.

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Chassis and Body High Strain Rate Testing

As the body is the first point of impact during a car crash, modern designs have incorporated features such as crumple zone to absorb most of the initial impact, reducing the force that will reach the passengers.

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Composite Laminates Compression After Impact Testing

Compression After Impact test (CAI) is used to define the damage resistance of composites after an Impact event. An impact on composite laminate panel may result in no visible external damage, but it may generate a dramatic reduction of compressive strength. The design of automotive parts using composite materials should consider the effects of impact on the material properties.

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Composite Laminates Tensile Testing

A wide range of new materials are being used to decrease the weight of vehicles and reduce emissions. Of these new materials continuous carbon fiber polymer composites offer great potential for producing lightweight structures, however, there are many barriers to their widespread adoption.

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Crash Simulation

Over the past 20 years, the importance of occupant protection in the development of automobiles has greatly increased. Tighter legal requirements and consumer protection programs have led to significant innovations in the area of active and passive safety.

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Exhaust Line Durability Test

The investigation of the durability of complex assemblies and structures such as vehicle exhaust lines is an essential part of the vehicle development processes conducted by automotive manufacturers and component suppliers.

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Exhaust Mount Fatigue Testing

Instron® provides simple to use software with built-in DMA calculations, it is quick and easy for users to setup and run tests, saving more time to analyze the data.

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Fatigue Testing

Fatigue performance has always been important in automotive design, where the sources of cyclic loading and vibration are many and varied.

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Full Vehicle Testing

Loads caused by driving maneuvers, e.g. Longitudinal, braking and lateral forces can only be detected by a multi-test system test stand, such as full vehicle test rig.

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