VisualIMPACT software is designed to control Instron CEAST pendulum impact systems, manage tests and offer a user-friendly interface when using the Data Acquisition System. It records pendulum impact force and absorbed energy data, visualizes and helps analyze the results and calculates resilience. The operator is guided through parameters setup by means of tables describing strikers and specimens that are filtered according to the test type and international standard selected.


In the case of instrumented tests, many possibilities for data analysis and visualization are made available. The results are shown through comprehensive and customizable graphs and can be filtered by break type (only specimens with a selected break type are shown). Working with groups of tests, the software performs a statistical analysis, and the operator can pick and discard single test results. Different measurement units can be selected. It is possible to print reports and to export data totally or partially. Recent improvements include the possibility to set a number of user profiles, including graphic settings, default printing options, advanced parameters for data analysis and so on, switching quickly from one another when looking at results.

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