Instron is the market leader in crash simulation sled systems with over 80 facilities installed worldwide. The crash simulators are capable of reproducing a wide range of standardized and user-defined crash tests including advanced applications such as side impact and vehicle pitch simulation. Instron’s acceleration sled systems are used for the development and approval of vehicle safety systems, vehicle parts and also for the investigation of solids and structures during crash events.

With over 80 systems, Instron consistently delivers innovation, performance and quality. Our direct sales and service centers around the world provide optimum support and customer proximity. Innovative and unique solutions for current and future tasks increase productivity and ensure efficient test operation.

catapult crash simulation


The CSA Advanced catapult is a complete solution for high volume testing and advanced applications, including pitching simulation.

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Hyperg 1


Cost-effective optimized crash simulation system for simpler applications in the automotive and aircraft industries.

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