RSBasTest RT

RS BasTest provides a wide range of functions for editing, performing and conducting durability tests. Project Manager will guide you through all processes. It is used to create new projects, and its integrated data base collects and manages all measurement data. If you are envisaging a future extension of your testing environment, you will be ideally set up with RS BasTest: Other modules from the RS LabSite® modulogic family can be integrated into the system without any further intervention. The basic module will assist you with a high degree of flexibilty and provide the following benefits:

  • Basic software package with comprehensive functionality
  • Intuitive operation
  • Flexible adaption to your testing tasks

RS BasTest RT Benefits

  • Numerous test methods, which are processed in real time by the control electronics:
    • Constant amplitude programs
    • Cyclic block programs for single or multi-channel testing
    • Execution of single- or multi-axial durability tests
    • Event controlled test procedure
    • Replay of multi-channel service loads with adaptive control of peak values.(MultiPeak)
  • Multi-channel data acquisition
    • three different options optimized for the respective test metho
    • flight recorder (record / store measurement data even when the test stops or pauses)
  • Switchboard for the administration of test results with database for projects, tests and results. Optionally available as a laboratory version:
    • Central administration and backup
    • Local preparation and execution at the test stand
    • Evaluation at test stand or office
  • Licensing model to suit your laboratory requirements
  • Seamless integration with Labtronic 8800ml
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