Stiffness Based Tuning
Less Setup, More Testing
Over 75% time saving by using patented tuning technique
Simple process builds user confidence and reduces reliance on experts
No specimen damage before the start of your test
Perfectly tuned system helps to ensure reliable data and accurate peaks
Available on Servoelectric and Electrodynamic 8800MT Systems

Following the success on ElectroPuls™ systems since their launch in 2006, Stiffness Based Tuning now also available on Instron Servohydraulic and Electrodynamic Testing Systems.
Utilizing the computational power of the 8800MT controller, the tuning algorithms performance for all specimens in any control mode are constantly being further developed and improved.
To find out more, please click on the questions below or download the PDF literature.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you find your testing machine more complicated than your test?
Stiffness Based Tuning is a revolutionary method of tuning your fatigue testing system, which improves your machine usability and helps to improve your data accuracy. The new process is simple for all users, and without pre-cycling the specimen it helps to make your data more reliable and repeatable.
Stiffness Based Tuning is a revolutionary method of tuning your fatigue testing system, which improves your machine usability and helps to improve your data accuracy. The new process is simple for all users, and without pre-cycling the specimen it helps to make your data more reliable and repeatable.
What is tuning?
Tuning is the vital process undertaken before a fatigue test to allow the system to properly control the machine, and for your test to run successfully.
It traditionally involves loading the test specimen with a number of sudden step changes and automatically or manually iterating the control gains until the performance meets the test requirements. This process is time consuming and daunting for less experienced users.
Tuning is the vital process undertaken before a fatigue test to allow the system to properly control the machine, and for your test to run successfully.
It traditionally involves loading the test specimen with a number of sudden step changes and automatically or manually iterating the control gains until the performance meets the test requirements. This process is time consuming and daunting for less experienced users.
Why do I need to tune?
Fatigue systems are high performance machines that can run in load or strain control at high frequencies.
Unlike a traditional position controlled electromechanical system, this requires sophisticated control techniques to provide smooth and controlled motion. Ultimately, this means the system needs to be tuned before each new test so that the performance and control is optimized for that specimen material and geometry, so your data is accurate and repeatable. Failure to tune can result in system instability and unreliable data.
Fatigue systems are high performance machines that can run in load or strain control at high frequencies.
Unlike a traditional position controlled electromechanical system, this requires sophisticated control techniques to provide smooth and controlled motion. Ultimately, this means the system needs to be tuned before each new test so that the performance and control is optimized for that specimen material and geometry, so your data is accurate and repeatable. Failure to tune can result in system instability and unreliable data.
What is different about stiffness based tuning?
Stiffness Based Tuning only requires a simple ramp within the specimen’s elastic limit to measure the specimen stiffness. Using our patented algorithms, this stiffness is then used to calculate the optimum control gains in a matter of seconds. This means no lengthy tuning process, reduced complexity and no specimen damage before the test begins!
Find out here how Ghent University in Belgium benefits from this technology.
Stiffness Based Tuning only requires a simple ramp within the specimen’s elastic limit to measure the specimen stiffness. Using our patented algorithms, this stiffness is then used to calculate the optimum control gains in a matter of seconds. This means no lengthy tuning process, reduced complexity and no specimen damage before the test begins!
Find out here how Ghent University in Belgium benefits from this technology.