
The compressive properties of wood can be determined using a range of specialized fixtures. Each device has been designed to meet a particular standard.

Principe de fonctionnement

Compression test fixtures are designed to provide high stiffness, accurate deformation measurement and axial loading.

The hardness test fixture uses a compressive ball-penetration technique to measure the force at a defined penetration depth.


  • Compressive and hardness properties of wood and timber products


Article Capacity Specimen Length Cat #
Hardness Fixture for Wood or Fibreboard 100 kN 22,500 lbf 150 mm 6 in S1-11892-2
Wood Test Fixture. Compression parallel to grain 200 mm 8 in S1-11858-1
Wood Test Fixture. Compression perpendicular to grain 25 kN 5625 lbf 150 mm 6 in S1-11683