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Posted By Francesca Pinto
May 27, 2022

Heat Deflection Temperature and Vicat Softening Temperature Testing: How to Maximize Throughput, Repeatability, and Safety
Heat deflection temperature (HDT) and Vicat softening temperature testing is critical to determining the quality and performance of polymers. As automotive components become increasingly lighter, there is a growing demand for high-performance polymers, which must undergo a thorough HDT and Vicat apparatus test process.
Posted By Francesca Pinto
Jan 18, 2022

Falling weight impact testing for simulation precision: meet Lamborghini
Explore the benefits that Automobili Lamborghini has with Falling Weight impact testing to meet simulation precision
Posted By Francesca Pinto
Nov 24, 2021

How is an Impact Drop Tower used in Testing Automotive Parts
Why Impact Testing is Important to Automotive Manufacturing With safety being a major priority in the automotive sector, it is vital that manufacturers have accurate information about how automotive components will perform under different conditions. Impact resistance is one of the most important properties for parts designers to consider, as well as the most difficult to quantify. Estimating the performance of a material directly benefits the production costs and improves the value of the final product.
Posted On May 28, 2015