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Posted By Nick Erickson
Oct 16, 2023

How to Choose the Right Mechanical Testing Automation for Your Biomedical Manufacturing Lab
Introducing automation into your mechanical testing program can significantly increase the quality of your results as well as the safety and efficiency of your lab. But how do you choose the right level of automation for your application?
Posted By Nick Erickson
Jun 23, 2023

Mechanical Testing in the Biomedical Industry
The biomedical device industry is growing, driving demand for mechanical testing equipment. Manufacturers have had to scale their production to meet the rising demand for medical consumables and safety equipment, which tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Posted By Nick Erickson
Jun 12, 2023

5 Steps to Effective Mechanical Testing Automation for Biomedical Labs in CDMOs
The production of auto-disable (AD) safe-injection devices is a core activity for many contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs). Mechanical testing assesses the safety and efficacy of AD syringes before they go to market. With the AD device industry set to grow to over $13.3 billion by 2028, laboratories within CDMOs will perform more tests more frequently. Here we look at how cobot-based systems can help these labs cope with growing workloads by maximizing repeatability and efficiency.
Posted By Nick Erickson
Jul 07, 2022

The ABCs of XY Stage Adhesive Tack Testing
In volume 4 of our Tales from the Apps Lab Series, we take a look at tack testing of a hydrogel adhesive patch used in a wearable nerve stimulation system.
Posted By Nick Erickson
Jun 03, 2022

I Hope This Tree Isn't Afraid of Needles!
In Volume 3 of Tales from the Apps Lab, we take a look at a unique application involving injecting medicine into trees.
Posted On May 23, 2022

Guide to Syringe Testing
Watch this video to learn about key metrics to assess syringe performance, the most common testing standards, and fixturing for testing various syringe types.
Posted On Mar 24, 2021

Materials and Applications Solutions for the Biomedical, Plastics, and Elastomer Industries
Materials and Applications Solutions Part 1 of 3 Instron universal testing machines can be used across industries to meet many different mechanical testing requirements, and Instron software and accessories allow our test frames to be configured to suit your specific industry or application need. This issue of the Accessories Newsletter includes some of the key application and product solutions for the biomedical, plastics, and elastomer industries. Please follow the links to prerecorded webinars, demonstration videos, or product pages which may be of interest to you. As always, you can also contact your local Instron representative for more information.
Biomedical Materials and Product Testing Over the past decade, the medical device and biomaterials industries have undergone tremendous amounts of innovation and change. There have also been substantial increases in regulatory involvement to ensure the safety and efficacy of all products. These evolutions have translated into a growing requirement for the full evaluation of each device from concept to finished product. Physical testing and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) have become commonplace among the research arms of medical device manufacturers around the world. As a total solution provider, Instron designs and manufacturers both customized and standard systems for testing medical devices and biomaterials.