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Posted On Mar 24, 2021

Materials and Applications Solutions for the Biomedical, Plastics, and Elastomer Industries
Materials and Applications Solutions Part 1 of 3 Instron universal testing machines can be used across industries to meet many different mechanical testing requirements, and Instron software and accessories allow our test frames to be configured to suit your specific industry or application need. This issue of the Accessories Newsletter includes some of the key application and product solutions for the biomedical, plastics, and elastomer industries. Please follow the links to prerecorded webinars, demonstration videos, or product pages which may be of interest to you. As always, you can also contact your local Instron representative for more information.
Biomedical Materials and Product Testing Over the past decade, the medical device and biomaterials industries have undergone tremendous amounts of innovation and change. There have also been substantial increases in regulatory involvement to ensure the safety and efficacy of all products. These evolutions have translated into a growing requirement for the full evaluation of each device from concept to finished product. Physical testing and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) have become commonplace among the research arms of medical device manufacturers around the world. As a total solution provider, Instron designs and manufacturers both customized and standard systems for testing medical devices and biomaterials.
Posted On Oct 28, 2020

Braided Rope Tensile Testing
My name is Landon Goldfarb and I am an applications engineer, which is really a fancy way of saying it is my job to successfully break anything thrown my way. This is the first in a series of stories cultivated from my time working in the applications lab highlighting unique applications and the novel solutions we have employed. At 8:00 AM, give or take, every morning, I arrive at our office – always excited to see what has shown up on our testing backlog. Perhaps elastomers for racing tires on a Monday and then moving on to artificial bone by Thursday. When people ask what kind of products we test, I will often respond by asking them what they did today. After looking back quizzically, they may say “I woke up, got dressed, had some juice, and then drove to work”. To which I could say, taking a deep breath first, “We may test the durability of the springs in your mattress, the elasticity in the fibers of your clothing, the torque necessary to open the juice packaging, and last but not least a myriad of functional tests on the individual components in a car.”
Posted On May 24, 2017

When You Don’t Take Advantage of Software Updates
As Technical Support Manager at the Instron® corporate headquarters, I have answered my share of customer questions and hopefully brought more clarity to testing operators. Through this kind of customer exposure, my team and I are constantly taking note of feedback to make our products better. In particular, we receive calculation requests, discover bugs, and think of new features for our software products. As we develop and release software updates, many of these suggestions are added. As anyone with a smartphone is aware, software developers are constantly improving their software with periodic updates for a variety of reasons. Major phone companies release updates at least once a year, and in between the major updates, they push out smaller bug fixes and patches as flaws are inevitably found in the program, application, or operating system. This same idea applies with Bluehill® Software. No matter how much in-house testing is done, diverse customer feedback is always appreciated. Connecting with Technical Support is the most direct path for customers to have their voices heard by our engineers.