Sistemi Dinamici e a Fatigue

Instron offre una vasta gamma di sistemi a moduli integrati per prove dinamiche e di fatica da 1000 N fino a 2500 kN. Incorporando tecnologie servoidrauliche, servo-elettriche e con motore lineare, questi strumenti di prova coprono una vasta gamma di applicazioni di prove di fatica, dinamiche e statiche. Queste applicazioni includono fatica ad alto numero di cicli, fatica a basso numero di cicli, fatica termomeccanica, studi di propagazione e di crescita della cricca, resistenza alla frattura, prove bi-assiali, prove assiale-torsionali, multi-assiali, prove ad elevata velocità di deformazione, prove quasi statiche, prove di creep, prove di stress-rilassamento, e altri tipi di prove dinamiche e statiche.


ElectroPuls - strumenti elettromeccanici per prove Dinamiche e di Fatica

ElectroPuls - strumenti elettromeccanici per prove Dinamiche e di Fatica

Sistemi per prove dinamiche e di fatica usano la tecnologia servoidraulica del motore lineare per la prova di biomateriali e strumenti medici.

Ulteriori informazioni

Servohydraulic Fatigue Testing Systems

General Purpose
Hydraulic Fatigue

General purpose servohydraulic systems ideal for high-cycle and low-cycle fatigue, fracture mechanics and quasi-static testing.

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8862 with furnace and mechanical pullrods

Low Strain Rate 8862 Servo-Electric Systems

8862 Electric Actuator Systems are uniquely designed for the low strain rate requirements of LCF testing, utilizing electric technology to minimize infrastructure requirements and running costs.

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High-Strain Rate VHS Test System

High Strain Rate VHS Systems

High-Strain Rate VHS systems characterize strain rate dependent materials such as automotive crash structures at test speeds of up to 25m/s.

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8852 Floor Model Axial-Torsion Fatigue Testing Systems 100kN-1000Nm

Axial-Torsion 8850 Systems

Axial-torsion 8850 series systems are available for static and fatigue testing with combined axial and torsional loading of up to 2000Nm and 250kN.

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ElectroPuls 16-Stations Testing Systems

ElectroPuls 16-Stations Testing Systems

ElectroPuls 16-station fatigue fixture allows the simultaneous testing of up to 16 specimens to drastically reduce total test times and help deliver products to market sooner.

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Planar Biaxial Cruciform System for High Cycle Fatigue of Metals

Biaxial Cruciform Test Systems

Biaxial cruciform testing systems combine the axial loading of four independent actuators to deliver precision center-point control for studying in-plane biaxial material fatigue properties.

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Thermal Mechanical High-temperature fatigue

High Temperature Fatigue

High temperature fatigue testing includes Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF), Thermomechanical Fatigue (TMF) and Electro-Thermal Mechanical Testing (ETMT).

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8800 Controllers

8800MT Controller / Controller Upgrades

Controller upgrades are a great way to give existing hydraulic equipment a new lease of life and bring the benefits of modern electronics and software to your laboratory.

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