
The development of structures (and elsewhere) and individual components is based on computational durability analysis in order to ensure that the machines and components remain fail-safe in any situation and within their expected service life. The verification of the calculated structural durability is carried out in a laboratory test with a realistic initiation of the dynamic load and, if necessary, with simultaneous simulation of environmental influences (temperature, humidity, corrosive media, sunlight, etc.).
In order to carry out the tests, block programs are frequently used in which forces, displacements, and accelerations are introduced into the component in a controlled manner. In automotive engineering, loads which were determined in the vehicle test are often used as targets. Synthetic stress programs, such as the European Europe cycle in wheel testing or the CARLOS TC test for trailer couplings, are also used.
Due to the variety of applications, there is also a variety of standardized test systems. In special cases, such systems must be developed together with the users and based on its specification.


Component testing systems are application-optimized test equipment used in research and development as well as quality assurance of machines and components. The development, standardization and further development of such test systems is carried out in close cooperation with our customers. Instron's component testing systems are characterized by the highest quality and reliability, ensuring the highest productivity in daily use. In addition to the main focus of the test in automotive engineering, applications from all areas of the industry are served. 

The following are examples of executed test stands for testing:

  • Trailer coupling - CARLOS TC
  • Exhaust system - ARTEL
  • Car chassis - FDFP
  • Wear of vehicle joints
  • Truck crankshafts in resonance mode
  • Truck frames
  • Truck cab
  • Engine block, cylinder and connecting rod
  • Screw connections and the hub bearing of wind power plants
  • Bogies of rail vehicles
  • Rail vehicles with AMME load sequences
  • and many more

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