ASTM D1876 Peel Resistance for Adhesives, T-Peel Test

ASTM D1876 peel test of adhesive bonds

ASTM D1876 measures the comparative peel properties of adhesive bonds between flexible adherends by using a T-peel test. The test is referred to as a “T-peel” due to the shape the two flexible adherends form as they are pulled apart. Average peel strength for each specimen type and average, minimum, and maximum peeling loads for each individual specimen are the primary results of interest. Manufacturers use this standard for quality control in a wide range of industries as it is primarily intended for determining relative peel resistance between individual specimens or different types of adhesives. Direct comparison of different adhesives can only be made when specimen construction and test conditions are identical.

ASTM D1876 Test Setup 

For peel tests, it is critical to use a high data acquisition rate to register all peaks and troughs in the data. Insufficient bandwidth may overlook important test events and lead to artificially low peel strength values. For this reason, we recommend an Instron 6800 series test frame, which enables a data capture rate of up to 5 kHz. The ASTM D1876 standard states that the maximum specimen load should fall between 15% and 85% of the maximum frame capacity, in most cases making a single column frame (68SC) with capacity of 5 kN or less ideal. If the adhesive requires a higher capacity system, Instron’s dual column table model frames are available up to 50 kN.

ASTM D1876 Test Setup
6800 Series Universal Testing System
Bluehill Universal Software
2580 Series Load Cell
2712-041 (1 kN) Pneumatic Side-Action Grips


ASTM D1876 peel test

Pneumatic side action grips prevent specimen slippage by maintaining a constant clamping pressure throughout testing. They are available in capacities from 50N to 10kN, appropriate for the full range of adhesive strengths. Both advanced side action grips and pneumatic grips feature quick-change jaw faces that can be easily changed to accommodate different materials.

250 N Model | 2712-052
500 N Model | 2710-112


  • When testing to ASTM D1876, the two adherends do not need to be the same material or thickness. However, if one adherend is more flexible than the other, attach the less flexible one to the moveable (top) grip.
  • Bluehill Universal software comes with with one free application module upon purchase. Each module contains pre-configured test methods and supporting documentation to assist with testing to various standards. ASTM D1876 is included as part of the Adhesives module.

It is important to review ASTM D1876-08(2015)e1 in order to fully understand the test setup, procedure, and results requirements.

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