ASTM F1306 柔性阻隔薄膜和层合膜抗低速穿透试验

ASTM F1306

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ASTM F1306 specifies the test conditions for determining the characterization of flexible barrier films and laminates for slow rate penetration resistance to a driven probe at room temperature. The required calculations for this standard consist of peak force to break, energy to break, and probe penetration from initial contact to break.

The ability to characterize penetration resistance is critical for end-use performance of thin, flexible materials where a sharp object can damage the barrier’s protection. ASTM F1306 testing is common in the packaging industry, which supplies thin films to the food and consumer product sectors. Another relevant industry is battery production, which is interested in quantifying the puncture resistance of the separator films found in their Li-ion batteries.


ASTM F1306 Test SetupForce requirements of ASTM F1306 are generally lower than 250 N, making it appropriate for Instron's single column low force testing systems such as the 34SC-1 or 68SC-1, with load cells of 50 N, 100 N, or 500 N capacity. Instron's S1-14110 is a custom fixture made specifically for ASTM F1306 testing and can be ordered through our custom solutions group. 


ASTM D3330 Test Setup
6800 Series Universal Testing System
Bluehill Universal Software
 2580 Series Load Cell
S1-14110 Custom Puncture Fixture


ASTM F1306 puncture test setup
Tips and Tricks

When comparing results with other laboratories, it is important to note that the diameter of the test probe, as well as the sample test diameter, will impact load and penetration values. The ASTM F1306 standard recommends a 3.2 mm diameter hemispherical probe and a sample test diameter of 34.9 mm.

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