ISO 527-3 薄膜与薄板的拉伸性能
Extensometers enable us to provide the most accurate strain measurement. Non-contacting video extensometry is the best solution for thin film testing, as typical clip-on extensometers weigh down the specimen causing premature failure. Instron's Advanced Video Extensometer (AVE2) can measure strain as accurately as a clip-on extensometer without physically contacting the specimen.
Instron's Bluehill® Universal testing software makes it easy to report calculations in compliance with the standard. Customers who choose the Plastics method suite will receive a pre-configured test method for ISO 527-3 testing, complete with specific test parameters and calculations to help ensure compliance.
For labs with high-volume testing needs, several modifications to the tensile machine setup can be made to speed up the testing process and increase throughput, up to and including fully automated test systems. Fully automated systems such as Instron's AT3 are designed to incorporate specimen measurement, specimen loading, testing, and removal, and are able to run for hours without operator interaction. These systems help to reduce variability due to human error and can be left running after a shift ends to continue getting results when operators go home.
6800 系列 - 万能材料试验系统
Instron 的6800 系列万能材料试验系统提供出色的精度及可靠性。 6800 系列基于正在申请专利的操作员保护架构,具有全新的智能气动控制装置和碰撞保护功能,使材料测试比以往任何时候都更简单、更智能、更安全。
Bluehill Universal 手册
Bluehill Universal 软件专为直观的触摸交互式用户体验而构建。通过预加载试验方法、数秒内的QuickTest、增强数据导出,以及 Instron Connect(一项可与服务工程师直接联系的新功能)等功能去探索更简单、更智能的测试方式。Bluehill 2、 Bluehill 3 等旧版本软件的用户可以轻松升级到最新版本的 Bluehill。
Precision Specimen Loader
The Precision Specimen Loader for Thin Films provides a safer, more ergonomic, accurate, and more convenient way to load thin film and foil specimens into Instron 2712-052 grips.