Tear Resistance
Measure of the ability of sheet or film materials to resist tearing. For paper, it is the force required to tear a single ply of paper after the tear has been started. Three standard methods are available for determining tear resistance of plastic films: ASTM D-1004 details a method for determining tear resistance at low rates of loading; a test in ASTM D-1922 measures the force required to propagate a precut slit across a sheet specimen; and ASTM D-1038 gives a method for determining tear propagation resistance that is recommended for specification acceptance testing only. Tear resistance of rubber is the force required to tear a 1 inch thick specimen under the conditions outlined in ASTM D-624. Tear resistance of textiles is the force required to propagate a single-rip tongue-type tear (starting from a cut) by means of a falling pendulum apparatus. (ASTM D-1424)
Série 3400 - Soluções acessíveis para testes
Sistemas universais de teste Instron da série 3400 para testes de tração, compressão, flexão e outros testes de propriedade de material.
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