Instron Installation & Relocation Services​

New, relocated or upgraded testing systems require support for site preparation, installation, training, and calibration. To address this, we have a full range of installation services to address your needs.

Our Installation Training services are typically included when you purchase an Instron® system to assure successful handover to your staff and the start-up of testing operations. Additionally, calibration, IQOQ and Instron Connect services are available to address specific installation and relocation requirements.

Calibration cycle and preventative maintenance

Calibration Cycle and Preventative Maintenance

We will review your current calibration and preventative maintenance cycle. If you purchase calibration services along with the system installation, these services will be performed at the same time.

Read More About Our Calibration Services

Read More About Our Preventative Maintenance Services

Configuration of Your Instron System​

Your Service Engineer will work with you to discuss site requirements for installation, site preparation, physical installation, accredited calibration requirements, and necessary staff training.​

Installation Training

Training at the time of installation and/or relocation will include the basic operation of the machine and software fundamentals. Our more complex software solutions include in-depth programming training which can be scheduled close to or at the time of installation.

Find Out More About Our Training Courses

Site Preparation Guidance and Services​

Before a new machine installation or relocation, a Service Representative will be in contact with you to discuss the preparation of your site and provide guidance. Some of the elements they will discuss with you include:

  • Guidance on foundations and flooring
  • Suitability of benches, electrical and pneumatic supply requirements
  • Access assessment if the equipment is being placed at a distance from the delivery point (e.g., door heights and corridor widths)
  • Special attention to instruments requiring sensitive movement
  • For larger servohydraulic-operated testing systems requiring hydraulic supplies with specialized cooling requirements we can provide hydraulic pipe-work services and guidance on best practices to minimize environmental and energy impact
  • Support services and documentation to address calibration and IQOQ validation requirements
  • Guidance regarding unpacking, off-loading, movement, positioning and levelling of equipment