Drive Shaft Durability Testing



Under driving conditions, drive shafts are exposed to a full range of service loads. To ensure optimum transmission of the torque from the gearbox or differential to the wheels, drive shafts must compensate for the suspension geometry and wheel accelerations whilst ensuring perfect synchronism between the joints at all times. To test the durability of drive shafts, dynamic torques have to be introduced over the full range of movement and under various environmental conditions.

our Solution


Hydrostatically mounted Hydropuls® rotary actuators are ideally suited to the generation of torsional loads. The standard models provide angular amplitudes up to ±50° and torque up to ±60kNm to simulate the range of service angles and dynamic load. To cover a wide spectrum of test scenarios we offer a variety of rotary actuators with different capacities. We also offer numerous accessories for compensating eccentricity, misalignment, or shortening of specimens under load. Climatic chambers for simulating environmental conditions and temperature are also available.

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