Console Software For Use With Instron 8800 Systems, ElectroPuls, and Extend Upgrades
Compatible with WaveMatrix, LCF3, Bluehill 2 and Fracture Mechanics (da/dN, K1C & J1C)
- All controller set up functions such as Specimen Protect, transducer calibration, limits, control loop settings (PID´s) and calculated ("Modal") control channels
- System status displays indicating current control mode, limits, waveform generator, transducer calibration and hydraulics/power
- Auto Tuning Wizard to perform automatic set up of control loop PID values
- Loop tuning tool with fast-refresh digital scope to facilitate manual setting and adjustment of control loop PID values
- Multiple digital Live Displays of transducer values and cycle/time counters that can be rearranged and resized, with setup save/recall from computer disk.
- Waveform control (start/pause/stop at specified cycle count) to run simple fatigue tests
- Scope software package for real time graph showing the output of up to four transducers and basic data capturing facilities
- Comprehensive on-line help system
- RS Save software for saving and restoring of test system parameters to and from disk
- DAX data acquisition software for one axis and up to four transducers
- Latest firmware update for 8800, ElectroPuls and Data Acquisition Boards
- Set of Electronic Manuals in PDF Format
- Available in English, French, German or Japanese