Instron offers comprehensive know-how in the area of servohydraulic service load simulation and component testing. Solutions offered range from simple, single-channel component test rigs to systems enabling a complex simulation of virtually all loads acting on a vehicle or structure. A modular concept allows individual test rig components to be customized and tailored to the specific requirements of the application on hand.

With its test and simulation systems, Instron can bring the road directly into your laboratory, enabling the accelerated simulation of the full service life of a vehicle under repeatable, controlled conditions.


Structural Durability Products

Instron offers worldwide comprehensive know how in the areas of service load simulation and structural component testing. Our experience is built into the modular Hydropuls product line which provides all the components required to build up and extend individual test rigs. Ideal for labs that need to test a range of specimens and require the flexibility to quickly and easily configure new test rigs.

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Full vehicle test

Structural Durability Solutions

The need to optimize the development process brings increased demands onto the test laboratory to run the full spectrum of durability, performance characterization tests. To meet these requirements, Instron has developed a number of standardized solutions with the German automotive industry aimed at accelerating the more common test applications and improving productivity in the laboratory.

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